Gum Disease FAQ

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a prevalent oral health concern that can have far-reaching implications if left untreated. As you navigate this territory, you likely have a host of questions. Dr. Dan Thousand and Dr. Katelyn Fleming are here to provide clarity, empowering you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your oral health.

Why Am I Having These Problems?

Gum disease typically develops due to a buildup of plaque, a sticky film of bacteria, on your teeth and along the gumline. This can cause inflammation, leading to redness, swelling and bleeding. If not addressed, it can progress to more severe stages, potentially causing tooth loss over time.

Will I Need Gum Surgery?

While the initial stages of gum disease can often be managed through improved oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings, more advanced cases may require surgery. The decision depends on the severity of your condition, and our periodontists will guide you toward the most appropriate treatment plan for your unique needs.

Will Gum Surgery Hurt?

Gum surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia, ensuring minimal discomfort. Any discomfort post-surgery can be managed with regular over-the-counter pain relievers and adhering to our post-operative instructions. Some treatments like the use of a laser can also minimize post operative discomfort.

What If I Don’t Treat My Gum Disease?

Neglecting gum disease can have serious consequences. If left untreated, it can lead to gum recession, tooth mobility and even tooth loss. Furthermore, research suggests a link between gum disease and systemic health conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Why Do I Need More Frequent Teeth Cleanings?

Patients with gum disease often require more frequent dental cleanings, typically every three to four months. These cleanings help prevent the progression of the disease by removing plaque and tartar buildup, decreasing inflammation and promoting healthier gums. Patients with gum disease build and harbor plaque quicker than those who do not have gum disease, therefore, coming in more regularly will reduce the inflammation that comes from its build up is necessary.

What Is Laser Periodontal Surgery, and Is It Better Than Pocket Reduction Therapy?

Laser periodontal surgery is a minimally invasive technique that employs laser energy to remove infected tissue and bacteria. It offers several benefits, including reduced discomfort, quicker healing and minimal bleeding. Pocket reduction therapy, on the other hand, involves accessing the pockets created by gum disease and thoroughly cleaning them to eliminate infection. The choice between the two depends on the severity of your condition and our recommendations. One is not necessarily better than the other.

Dr. Dan Thousand and Dr. Katelyn Fleming bring a wealth of experience to the table. Their profound understanding of gum health ensures that your journey to optimal oral health is well-guided and personalized. To embark on the path toward healthier gums and a confident smile, reach out to Periodontal Associates about gum disease treatment in Centennial, Colorado. Contact us today at 303-795-5700 to receive answers to your questions and experience the expertise of periodontal specialists who prioritize your well-being.